Save Louisiana Wildlife

Each year we take in hundreds of wild animals from Louisiana. The anticipated outcome for all of the wildlife here at WERLA is Rescue, Rehabilitate, Release.

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Report an Animal

If you have found an injured or abandoned wildlife animal in need of care, please contact us. We will get back in touch with you as soon as possible!

Contact Us

Educating the Community

Next to rehabilitation we strive to educate the public on wildlife preservation and conservation, how to handle wildlife, and the importance of Louisiana’s ecosystem.   

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Make A Donation

Save Louisiana's Wildlife

Your donation will ensure the animals in our care continue to receive the best quality habitat, food, medical care, medical supplies and training needed to be rehabilitated and released back into the wild. Together, we can save Louisiana wildlife. 

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Donate Care Items

Give Unused Items New Purpose

Donate unused items like old newspapers, towels, stuffed animals, and expired meat products (only for certain bird species). These care items are regularly needed to make sure our animals are comfortable, fed, and on their way to rehabilitation.

See Donation Checklist

Working closely with state and federal Departments of Wildlife and Fisheries and our local communities, we take in and care for several hundred wild animals from Louisiana each year.


In addition to maintaining our private rehabilitation facility located in North Louisiana, we regularly network with local, private, state licensed rehabbers to provide individualized care for different species of wildlife.


WERLA actively works to grow our facility and capabilities to provide a safe shelter for these displaced, injured, and orphaned animals. Here, the animals are fed and treated while they stretch their wings (or paws) and prepare for their journey back into the wild.

You are donating to : Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation of Louisiana

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
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